NDIA commits to Plan Review improvement

This month, the Commonwealth Ombudsman has handed down a report on the National Disability Insurance Agency’s (NDIA) handling of the NDIS Plan Review process. The report follows receipt of a significant amount of community complaints, particularly over the lack of communication from the NDIA and timeliness of the NDIS plan review process, with some people […]

NDIA launches CALD Strategy

Did you know that people in Australia speak more than 300 languages and more than 26% of Australians were born overseas? This makes Australia a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) country! But, what does this mean for disability? By 2019, it’s estimated that about 20% of people who take part in the NDIS will be […]

NDIS rollout officially delayed in SA

A decision from the South Australian Government to slow down the pace of the NDIS rollout has not been unexpected – although it has understandably led to frustration for many, with an estimated 4,000 people affected. The rollout has now been extended until the end of December 2018 (a 6-month shift), with the State to […]

Supporting an Independent Life

The transition from childhood to adult independence has long been a challenging one, for both parents and children alike. As our client, Dara Kien, has found, growing up with a disability can add a further dimension to this struggle.Fortunately for Dara, having a capable and trustworthy support network at Assured Home Care has helped him […]

March is Trisomy Awareness Month

Child playing

The month of March is recognised internationally as Trisomy Awareness Month (‘tri’ meaning three and March being the third month of the calendar year). Trisomy is a genetic condition whereby a person has a third copy of a chromosome. Typically, a person only has 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 in total), however, when someone has […]

Getting from A to B with the NDIS

Transport funding under the NDIS is a consideration for many. At Assured Home Care, we receive many questions about the level of funding accessible to support skills development, and independent and carer accompanied travel. In short, transport funding can relate to any costs associated with: supporting day to day living (i.e. getting you from a […]

Our Carers make a Positive Difference!

Client and carer playing guitar

David is a shining example of a dedicated support worker who consistently goes the extra mile! David has been working with Luke for the last 18 months; assisting his daily care needs, and working to improve his life experience through extending his passion for music. Luke is severely autistic and lacks the ability to communicate; […]

Are you eligible for NDIS?

Carer using phone

I don’t currently receive any disability supports. Can I apply for funding under the NDIS? It’s a question that we receive often here at Assured Home Care, as the NDIS promises an expanded and more inclusive safety net to support those People Living With a Disability. In South Australia alone, it’s expected that a further […]

NDIS Eligibility for people aged 65+

Over 65? Statistics show us that disability dramatically increases with age.* But, the NDIS will not be funding the support needs of those People Living With Disability that are 65 and over. So, if you are aged 65+ how will you receive support? If you’ve been receiving State specialist disability funding, then you will be […]

We’re here to assist at every step of the way

Carer & client using computer

Transitioning to the NDIS can seem daunting at first, but Assured Home Care will provide you with assistance throughout the initial planning process, and with the implementation and management of your plan, to achieve the best outcomes. We’ve put together a simple guide, ‘Are you NDIS Ready?’ to help you start your journey.Got a question? If you […]

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