Over 65?
Statistics show us that disability dramatically increases with age.*
But, the NDIS will not be funding the support needs of those People Living With Disability that are 65 and over.
So, if you are aged 65+ how will you receive support?
If you’ve been receiving State specialist disability funding, then you will be eligible for support under the new Commonwealth Continuity of Support (CoS) Programme.
Your existing State-funded funded support will automatically roll over to the CoS program with minimal disruption. There is no application or re-assessment process and your services will continue, whether you currently receive block funding or an individual support package (ISP).
The CoS programme is expected to be fully implemented in South Australia by July 2018. Further information about the CoS program can be found on the Federal Department of Health website.
If you don’t currently receive any disability funding then you will need to contact MyAgedCare to determine what support and funding you may be eligible for.
Contact MyAgedCare on 1800 200 422 or visit MyAgedCare
*Source: ABS Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Summary of Findings – 2015