I don’t currently receive any disability supports. Can I apply for funding under the NDIS?
It’s a question that we receive often here at Assured Home Care, as the NDIS promises an expanded and more inclusive safety net to support those People Living With a Disability. In South Australia alone, it’s expected that a further 15,300 people will receive funded disability supports by 2019. *
So, can I apply?
Yes, if you:
- Have a permanent and significant disability
- Are under 65 years of age
- Are an Australian Citizen; or
- Hold a Permanent Visa; or
- Hold a Protected Special Category Visa
you can apply for NDIS funding.
In doubt? Check your eligibility using this simple checklist.
How do I apply?
To apply for NDIS funding you will need to:
Contact the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) office in the first instance and request an Access Request Form.
Call the NDIA on 1800 800 110
Completion of the Access Form will involve providing details of your eligibility, including your age, citizenship status and any supporting information that provides:
- Evidence of your disability
- Evidence of the impacts of your disability
This may include information obtained from your GP or health professional.
Once you have submitted the completed Form, you will receive a response from the NDIA within 21 days. This will acknowledge whether your application meets the NDIS eligibility requirements (or not), or the NDIA may request further documentation or evidence to support your application.
We understand that everyone has a different set of circumstances when it comes to disability.
We also understand that people can experience significant frustration in having to ‘prove’ their disability.
Unfortunately, however, we cannot provide any advice as to your likely eligibility under the NDIS, or the likelihood of the success of your application. This will be independently assessed by the NDIA.
How can we assist?
Once you have applied for NDIS funding and received confirmation of your eligibility, we can help you prepare for your initial funding assessment, and help you develop and implement your first plan.
Our Guide to the NDIS details this process.
* NDIS: South Australian Market Position Statement