Community support work can bring much needed workplace flexibility and great personal reward. We asked some of our longest serving employees to share their experiences.
Deb has been with Assured long enough to remember a time when there were only a handful of staff in the office.
Motivated to “give back to the community,” Deb started work in child care, before moving into aged care and now disability support. Deb works with a number of clients in the North-Eastern suburbs, including individuals housed within Assured’s supported accommodation units.
When it comes to her work, “Every day is different,” according to Deb.
In particular, Deb enjoys the opportunity to be outside a lot, whether it be taking clients for trips to the beach or playground, or other recreational activities.
“I like that I’m not indoors all the time,” she says.
“Two brothers with autism that I have been working with over the last 5 years love to get outside; Sunday drives to the beach, walking around in the sunshine…. it’s very therapeutic for them.”
“I love interacting with them; it’s nice to see them happy, with smiles on their faces.”
Deb loves the flexibility of her job and appreciates that Assured have always been accommodating with her work hours.
“I like that the company has strong family values; they understand that we have families too and are very flexible around this.”

Meeting different people, and seeing the smiles on clients’ faces, are the best parts of the job, according to Ros.
With previous experience in a nursing care setting, Ros started with Assured some 9 years ago and has been providing support for both disability and aged care clients, including working with several long-term clients.
Ros is conscious that her work often involves working around the specific needs of a household.
“At the moment, I support one mother with 4 sons, one of whom is profoundly disabled,” says Ros.
“I work around her schedule, which involves sporting commitments with her other sons, to help out,” she says.
Working with the son with a disability, and developing a relationship, has been rewarding and Ros has become attuned to his feelings and mood.
“While he can’t communicate, there is no doubt that he understands everything.”
While Ros has some hair-raising stories to tell about situations that she has been confronted with over the years, she is focused and looks forward to enjoying those “nice days” where people make it clear that she is well valued for her work.
“I had one lady in Henley Beach specifically ask for my assistance after she’d had another worker come in,” says Ros.
“It was really nice to hear.”

Pauline lives in the beautiful Yankalilla district with most of her clients being longer term clients around the Aldinga, Sellicks Beach and Southern districts.
“I was always interested in aged care,’ says Pauline.
“I observed my grandmother struggling to meet the needs of my grandfather (who was much older) and thought that there must be a better level of support available to people,” she says.
“So, I went and got my Certificate and, from there, started my career as a Support Worker.”
From the outset, Pauline had a preference for providing home care services, rather than working in a residential care facility.
“I believe that it [home care] allows you to have a better one-to-one relationship with people and to deliver a greater level of personal care,” says Pauline.
“Most of my clients have been great; they have respect for me and the work that I do,” she says.
“I’ve only had a couple of bad experiences.”
Building trust is important, and being a good listener is key, says Pauline as, “Clients tell me everything!”
Pauline has enjoyed the flexibility offered by Assured in supporting her work and appreciates the family values that the company is built on.
“They have been particularly accommodating when it comes to personal responsibilities,” she says.
“It’s a fabulous place to work.”
“I even encouraged my sister to work here.”

Further Information
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