Technology supports our front-line staff

As most of the work performed by our community support workers is in the client home, we understand that our team can sometimes feel removed from the organisation.

Maintaining a close relationship with our support workers, ensuring that they feel recognised, supported and connected with our office team and other support workers is, therefore, of high importance to us.

So, how do you keep your workforce engaged remotely?

Technology can certainly provide some answers, and we’ve been implementing several new technology initiatives to support our workers in the field.

For some time now, we’ve been using social media to connect our support team as a community, to communicate company developments and to encourage staff and client recognition with the contribution of regular ‘good news stories’.

We’ve implemented software to support our recruitment and on-boarding process, and to provide a better communication channel when it comes to sharing key organisational information, policies and procedures, and identifying training and development opportunities for staff.

We are also moving to providing online learning options to complement our face-to-face training, enabling our staff to undertake modules at their own convenience, without having to come into the office.

We are proud that a recent staff satisfaction survey showed that, in general, our community workers feel fulfilled in their job, have the materials and equipment needed to perform, are being recognised and rewarded for their work, and receive supportive training and development.

Of course, there’s always room for improvement, and we hope that our technology investment will assist in communicating with, and further supporting our team in the field – into the future.

That said, technology does not replace one-to-one interaction. Instead, it will sit alongside our continued development of ‘offline’ strategies and structures that are designed to promote team-building, mentoring, skills and career development.

We need to get the people and technology balance right.

Values are important to us. It’s our values that are the reason that we started this business, and it’s our values that drive us every day. We want to make a positive difference not only in the lives of our clients, but in those of our staff and others.

We want to make sure that we are providing all the tools to help people excel in their work, and to develop in their chosen career.

And, it’s people with the right values that we look to recruit, always.

Experience and qualifications are one thing, but for us, the most important thing are the values that individuals bring into our workplace. We encourage people at all stages of life, and from all backgrounds, to consider support work as a career.

We’ll support you to get there!

If you’d like to find out more, head over to our Careers page now.

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