Sprout Cooking School offers inclusive classes tailored to meet the needs of those with physical or intellectual disabilities, to create a range of dishes as Jett our Assured Home Care volunteer discovered recently.
“We have seasonal classes for people to book and over time, the school has also helped foster friendships. For example, two women met at their first cooking class and now ask to cook together at the same bench,” Ms Krollig said.
Sprout Cooking School manager, Emilee Krollig said the instructors break the cooking demonstration down to make it easier for participants.
“In the classes we break the demonstration down into more manageable pieces. We do sweet and savoury dishes and after creating the savoury dish, we’ll go into the dining room and eat, then head back in to do a sweet course,” Ms Krollig said. I’m told eating was Jett’s favourite part.

Ms Krollig said the classes were designed to equip anyone to prepare fresh healthy meals at home.
“The hands-on cooking classes are tailored to meet the needs of individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities, allowing participants to learn new skills and become more confident in the kitchen.”
Inclusive Classes
The classes are smaller in size with maximum 12 participants, and run for 2.5 hours. They run in the morning and afternoon so everyone has the opportunity to come along
“Besides culinary skills, it’s been great for people to meet others in similar circumstances to them.
The Sprout kitchen incorporates improved disability accessibility including wheelchair access and adaptable kitchen equipment. Sprout Inclusive cooking classes are available for both NDIS participants, as well as non-NDIS participants who may require additional support and assistance.
Carers and Support Workers are encouraged to attend.
People can book ahead for classes by visiting
Sprout.edu.au, then select ‘Sprout Cooking School Inclusive Cooking classes’
for more information on the Sprout inclusive classes.
For more information, you can also call 08 8443 4343 or email hello@sprout.edu.au
Assured Home Care can provide Support Workers to assist you to attend inclusive classes at Sprout. Contact us at enqiries@assuredhomecare.com.au