Last month, Assured Home Care had the privilege of partnering with CBMC International as a principal partner of the 2019 SA Prayer Breakfast.
This year’s Breakfast theme of ‘Transform your World’ is a concept very close to our heart.
“Having the privilege to positively influence the lives of those less fortunate – to play a part in transforming one life at a time – is what motivates us every day.”
In keeping with this theme, we ran a competition, asking attendees to tell us about the small steps they would take to transform our world. With the winning entrant being given the chance to ‘pay it forward’ by being named as the donor of a $1,000 travel voucher from The Good Scout Co. to a lucky Assured Home Care client.
We received many wonderful responses, so many in fact we were unable to choose just one.
We had to go with two.
James and Daisy were selected as our dual winners with the following inspirational thoughts on how they would ‘transform our world;
“Caring, loving and accepting one another regarding their background, to compromise and talk about conflicts and differences and help everybody.” – James
“Doing the most that I could do personally to help those around me. It may not change the world, but it may change their life.” – Daisy
Very well said.
To help us select a lucky client to receive the voucher we asked our staff to nominate someone who they believed deserved a holiday.
Once again, the response was wonderful, but the following submission from Support Worker, Jemma Burford was a stand out;
“My Client Georgina lives at home with her mother. She is 35 and has an amazing, positive attitude about life. She helps others by volunteering at a local community centre for a positive ageing programme and she brings a lot of joy to the people she helps. Georgina helps others in so many ways yet has a lot of her own struggles which she never complains about. It is a pleasure working with Georgina and I believe she deserves a break to enjoy herself just like all our clients do.”
An amazing, positive attitude
Georgina – or ‘Georgie’ as she is known to friends and family – has an acquired brain injury as the result of two road accidents.
Devastatingly she was hit by a car 2004 while riding on the back of a motorcycle. And again in 2013 while simply walking.
As a result of her accidents, Georgina spent over a year in Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre and now lives with short term memory loss and has some difficulty processing information or expressing herself correctly.

Despite her difficulties Georgina is a curious and genuinely friendly woman, with a positive attitude, she spends much of her time giving back to the community. Volunteering as a kitchen hand/ cook at Wakefield house, a positive ageing centre run by the City of Onkaparinga.
Georgina is a much-loved face during ‘Friendship Club’ – a community networking program – helping to serve food to around 35 people at a time.
“All of the visitors know her as very friendly and chatty.” Says Jemma.
Georgina humbly downplays this. She takes her work seriously explaining that she can’t muck around too much as her memory can make staying focused difficult at times.
But she admitted that she does have fun joking around with her co-workers.
A trait Jemma is quick to confirm.
“She jokes around with me all the time!” she says.
“I often hear you two laughing from upstairs,” says Dorothy, Georgina’s mother.
“I often hear you two laughing from upstairs”
The friendship between Jemma and Georgina is clear.
“I just love spending time with her…she’s such a happy chappy”

A pretty cool gift
Meeting at a local café, Georgina was officially presented with the holiday voucher by Disability Support Partner, Kelsie on behalf of Jamey and Daisy.
Georgina was genuinely stunned to be receiving the gift.
“Wait, I won this!?” she exclaimed.
All thanks to Jemma and the kindness of two strangers.
Jemma was quick to reiterate her reasons for nominating Georgina.
“She just does such a wonderful job with work. She deserves a bit more of a break.”
While viewing some of the options on The Good Scout Co’s website, Kangaroo Island was suggested as a possible destination.
“I’ve never ever imagined going to Kangaroo Island,” said Georgina.
“That’s pretty cool, hey!”