We’ve had some fun this week taking a trip down memory lane and catching up with some of our longest serving support workers.
It’s hard to believe that we started Assured Home Care almost 10 years ago.
But, when we looked around at the faces that have stood with us through this journey, we were reminded of how far we have come.
Some of our workers have been with us from Day 1 when there were only a handful of staff in the office. Others have joined us along the way to help build the culture that we have today.
It’s no coincidence that our ‘oldest’ employees exemplify the positive spirit, passion and commitment to caring that is so important in this job. And, that so many started their careers with a strong desire to give something back to the community.
Not only do we have a long-standing relationship with each individual, but so do you!
Some of our staff have been providing support to individual families for as long as they have been with Assured. Many of our team have said how much they enjoy the strong bonds they have developed with their clients, not just with the individuals for whom they provide direct care, but with their entire family. As many acknowledge, building relationships with people means that work doesn’t always feel like work.
We thank everyone for their support and loyalty as we look forward to formally celebrating our 10th anniversary in the New Year!

We do have a talented team of support workers here at Assured!
Ken, one of our longest serving employees, is a committed handcrafter who likes to knit in his spare time.
Here’s one of Ken’s wonderful creations that have adorned the Assured Christmas tree!